Stained Glass Window Logo Image

First Presbyterian
Church of Foley

We gather to worship, study, and go out to serve.


  †  195 East Berry St., Foley, AL 36535   †  
Phone: 251-943-8325

Transformed lives.

Worship Information

Worship times

Worship is at 10 a.m. on Sunday with a coffee fellowship at 9:30am

A few things you should know before your first visit with us:
  How we worship

First Presbyterian offers a worship service that includes scripture reading, a sermon, prayer and singing. On most Sundays, music is supported by a chancel choir and the congregation sings hymns from the hymnal. Periodically a more contemporary service is led by our praise band..

  What to wear

There is no dress code. Some men wear ties. Most do not. Some wear suits. Some wear jeans. Some women wear dresses. Some wear slacks. We welcome you as you are.

child_friendly  Children

A nursery is provided for newborns through toddlers during Sunday school and worship services. The nursery is located in the education wing.

A cry room is also available for families with young children. Located at the back of the sanctuary, this room is equipped with cribs and rockers and has a large window overlooking the sanctuary. The cry room allows families with small children to see and hear the service in a child-friendly environment.

 †  Communion

We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month and is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.  Home communion is available for anyone unable to attend. Please let the church office know if you would like us to bring communion to you. Typically this is on the same Sunday but other arrangements may be made.